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Smart Plug

Optimise & control your household devices and appliances

Remote control, from anywhere

The Smart Plug is a handy energy tool that lets you turn your household devices and appliances on and off via the Devices section in Flow Power app. It makes it easier for you to take advantage of greener, cheaper energy prices, no matter where you are.  

You’ll receive one Smart Plug as part of a suite of free energy tools we send you when you first sign up. 

Here’s how you can use your Smart Plug

Speed up dinner time

Go straight from commute home to cooked meal with the Smart Plug by using the Flow Power app to turn on a pre-set rice cooker or slow cooker.

Curb energy waste when you’re away

Respond to high-price signals when you’re away from home by using the Flow Power app to turn off energy-intensive devices like your heater or air conditioner. 

Charge your electric vehicle

If you’ve got an EV, the Smart Plug’s your perfect companion. Use it to charge your battery when electricity is cheapest, responding to price signals in the Flow Power app to turn on your charger from afar.   

Take care of regular big chores

The Smart Plug can also help you manage regular big chores that consume a lot of energy – like pool maintenance. Set it to take care of your tasks at the cheapest and greenest times of day.

Need assistance with setup?

We believe in partnering with our customers to drive change and accelerate the transition to clean energy. If you’re ready to take meaningful action and engage with your energy, we’d be thrilled to welcome you onboard.  

Our friendly team is here to help. Check out our setup guide or use the chat function in your Flow Power app to get support.  

Ready to make the switch?

Let us get your home connected to smarter, greener energy.