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Smart energy tools

Get ready to change the world, with your new energy tools

At Flow Power, we don’t just offer our customers access to green energy products – we also give them the tools to help their renewable energy habits stick.

When you sign up for Power Renewable Home, we’ll send you a suite of smart energy tools for free. The Flow Power app, kWatch Mini and Smart Plug work in harmony, enabling you to monitor, manage and optimise your home’s energy usage. In turn, you’ll be empowered to make informed decisions about when you’re using energy to save costs and actively participate in building a sustainable future.

Your free smart energy tools

kWatch Mini

The kWatch Mini is a compact hardware device that gives you real-time insights into your electricity use.

Connecting to your Wi-Fi, kWatch Mini feeds your live meter data straight to the Flow Power app on your phone for you to see.

Smart Plug

The Smart Plug is a handy energy appliance that functions like a remote control for your appliances.

Connect an appliance you wish to control remotely to the Smart Plug, and then use your app to turn this appliance on and off. Used in conjunction with the energy monitoring tool on your app means you can turn this appliance on, remotely, when energy is cheaper and greener.

The app

The app is your one-stop shop for all things Flow Power.

From it, you’ll be able to monitor your energy usage in real-time, keep tabs on how your Price Efficiency Adjustment’s tracking, and turn your Smart Plug-connected appliances on and off, and more.

Questions? We’re here to help.

For any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team.